Voltcraft Dl 120th Driver For Mac
This battery operated, compact data logger has an internal temperature sensor. The measuring data is recorded automatically at intervals from 2s up to 24h. At most 32,000 measuring values for temperature and air humidity can be saved. This DL-121TH model additionally has an air humidity sensor. The data logger is connected to a computer like a standard USB data carrier and read from there. Data is evaluated graphically with an evaluation program.
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Data export for table evaluation is also possible. In addition, the recorded data can be saved for further processing.
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A long-life lithium battery supplies the power. With protective cap attached, the product is spray water-protected and can be used indoors and outdoors. This product fulfils European and national requirements related to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
Lsi logic pcbx518-b1 drivers for mac. Intel makes no commitment to update the Materials.